Commercial Due Diligence

Never Be Data-Limited in Due Diligence

When tackling commercial due diligence in areas like 'advanced ceramic materials', 'next-generation medical implants', or 'blockchain-based supply chain innovations'—fields where existing research is minimal—the challenge intensifies.

Insights are primarily sourced from interviews with the company's executives and competitors.

However, a strategic approach is crucial for overcoming the absence of detailed market data and for gaining a comprehensive understanding of customer demand, market size, opportunities, and risks.

Strategic Insights in Unfamiliar Territories:

Successful due diligence hinges on analyzing demand dynamics to offer objective insights and determine if potential demand growth justifies investments with attractive returns. This strategy ensures stakeholders are well-equipped to make informed decisions in both current and emerging and less-defined markets, embodying the principle of never being data-limited.

Nobody lies to their search bar

Google handles over 90,000 searches per second, making it the top search engine.

Using global search data could unlock insights into strategic questions.

This data, a direct reflection of real people's interests, can validate specific queries like the rise in solar panel interest in

  • Southern Germany,

  • life insurance demand seasonality in Brazilian cities,

  • or ideal locations for sustainable fashion stores in Colorado, free from bias introduced by bots, media, or influencers.

Key Features of MyTelescope:

  • Instant Answers and Forecasts: Receive answers and forecasts within 1 minute, streamlining decision-making processes.

  • Robust Infrastructure: MyTelescope is built to fetch and store vast quantities of data, including search query volumes across all regions monthly, supporting comprehensive analysis.

  • Advanced Analytics: Leverage advanced analytics to quickly identify trends and outliers, offering immediate insights into market movements, such as those in Southern France post-COVID-19.

  • Predictive Insights: Utilize forecasts and predictive analytics to assess risks and opportunities, enhancing strategic planning.